萬聖節要到了跟著我來刻一個南瓜燈籠吧~~萬聖節快樂 :)
Halloween is here let's make a jack o' lantern~~ Happy Halloween :)
很難以置信想說這麼難還可以刻的這麼好看 不會斷掉嗎?
也太厲害了吧 有一年就決定要來刻一個看看是有多難,
Every year when close to Halloween I saw lots of spooky jack o' lantern placing outside of every American's house, wondering how do people did that without braking the pattern off from the pumpkin. Then one year I deiced to try to carve a pumpkin myself and see how hard it is to make one,
i realized it is actually achievable and it's really fun!!
Let's make it happen!!
這裡就是南瓜園,同時你也可以在這裡購買南瓜. 每一年他們都會佈置一個這樣的場地提供你參觀購買. 不需要任何的入場費用. 你可以帶小朋友來這裡玩,裡面有好玩的鬼屋,外面還有迷你馬,當然可以跟這麼多的南瓜照張相留個紀念也可以買一些南瓜回去當裝飾.
This is the Pumpkin patch, where i pick up my pumpkins. Themes are set up every year for you to shop also having fun in there plus it's free admission. You can bring your kids for an adventure to haunted house, poney ride, taking pictures with lots of pumpkins and of course pumpkin shopping.
有很多種形狀的南瓜,你可以先挑好你想要刻上去的圖案再去挑選南瓜. 挑選南瓜不需要都挑很完美圓潤的,你可以挑個奇形怪狀的來呈現你的南瓜燈籠效果也會很突出喔
Lots of different shapes of pumpkins, you can first decide the pattern you want to carve then go pick a unique one. Don't have to be the perfect shape, sometime people will choose a unique shape to create a distinctive one.
不只有大的南瓜還有這些小的南瓜可以當裝飾, 是不是也很可愛阿.
Not only the big pumpkins these are the small ones, you can have these to decorate.
Aren't they adorable.
These are the patterns i am going to carve on my pumpkin, and the tools are the pumpkin carving stencils. This is the Kit i bought at
Target, it comes with all the instructions inside the book and some examples of the patterns, or you can also go online to search for the pattern you want to cave on your pumpkin.
我們開始吧, 首先用刀子在蒂的周圍切一個方形, 接著把裡面的籽都清掉,
Let's begin. First, use knife to cut a square around the stem, then pull out all the seeds, use the scraping tool to smooth out the "wall" inside.
Cut the pattern to a smaller sheet of paper then cut the corner straight in to make it easy to fold. Then stick it on pumpkin using tape.
Use the pointy stencil tool to poke out the pattern.
Use the stencil knife to slowly carve out the patterns.
(Make sure you do it slow so you won't cut off the design.)
This is my jack o' lantern Years ago. 這是我之前做的南瓜燈籠 |
就這樣你們知道怎麼刻南瓜燈籠啦,試看看吧很好玩喔!! 刻完會很有成就感
Now you know how to carve a jack o' lantern, you can have your own, try it!! It's really enjoying.
Happy Carving, and of course Happy Halloween!! ❤